Workshop mit der Kopernikus-Universität Torun
Zeit: 16.-17. Juni 2011
Ort: ZLWWG, Parkstraße 6, 2. Etage, Raum 206 (Donnerstag)
IPh, A.-Bebel-Straße 28, 9. Etage, Raum 9028 (Freitag)
Conveners: Ludger Jansen (Aachen/Rostock)
Anita Pacholik-Zurumska (Torun)
The life sciences and the cognitive sciences have lately been in the
focus of philosophical interest for several reasons. On one hand, these
sciences are in many respects structurally different from the physical
sciences that were the main paradigm for the reflections of traditional
philosophy of science, which leads to new challenges for philosophy of
science. On the other hand, these sciences offer a scientific account of
traditional philosophical core concepts like life, knowledge and
consciousness. Finally, efforts to organize biomedical expert knowledge
in data structures, so-called formal ontologies, for easy exchange and
access of data, bring together researchers working in life sciences,
information science and philosophy. All these common interests lead to a
mutual, hopefully beneficial exchange between philosophical and
scientific approaches to these fields of knowledge.
One goal of our joint workshop of the philosophy departments of the
University of Rostock and the Copernicus University of Torun is to
further this exchange of ideas. The talks cover a broad spectrum ranging
from historical topics and the philosophy of experiments in cellular
biology to questions of evolutionary epistemology, information procesing
in the brain and the neural correlates of consciousness and self-knowledge.
The conference language is English.
Guests are welcome to participate. There is no charge, but due to
restricted space we ask you to register in advance.
Information and registration:
Johannes Röhl,
Niels Grewe, niels.greweuni-rostockde
Location: ZLWWG, Parkstraße 6, 2nd floor, room 206
A map can be found here.